28-12-2021, 11:16 AM
Hail again, King’s Quest fans! I come to you once again, to offer you the best and brightest of holiday wishes, and to assure you that the King’s Quest IV 3D remake is still not dead.
Of course, with the good news, there is a bit of bad news as well. I’ll start with that. One certain artist of ours is unable to continue working on the project, due to mental health issues, which means we will need a new artist to finish our models of King Graham, Queen Valanice, and Prince Alexander. Our models of Genesta and the ogre will also need a bit of work as well. Fortunately, those models are partially finished, so they shouldn’t be too difficult to complete. As you may be well aware, most of those characters are also only present during the introduction and endings, so adding them will not be too high on our priorities list.
Despite that minor setback, however, said artist was able to complete models of Edgar, the ogress, Rosella in her royal gown, and a new better-looking mountain path leading to Lolotte’s castle. In addition, our other artists have done a great deal of work as well; including animations for one of the bad endings, backgrounds for the introduction and ending, and new icons with animations. We also have some new models for characters and inventory items that were previously missing from the game, and a new title screen.
Of course, we still have yet to implement some of those things, and there are still a few bugs to be worked out, but work will resume on the game next year. Yes, by that, I mean that we are taking a break until January of 2022. But not long after the new year comes along, we’ll be working on getting new things implemented into the game, which we’re hoping will include the introduction. Though, as I pointed out already, we will need someone to finish a few models for us before that objective can be completed.
With all that said, on behalf of all of us, I’d like to thank all of you for bearing with us for as long as you have. See you next year.
Of course, with the good news, there is a bit of bad news as well. I’ll start with that. One certain artist of ours is unable to continue working on the project, due to mental health issues, which means we will need a new artist to finish our models of King Graham, Queen Valanice, and Prince Alexander. Our models of Genesta and the ogre will also need a bit of work as well. Fortunately, those models are partially finished, so they shouldn’t be too difficult to complete. As you may be well aware, most of those characters are also only present during the introduction and endings, so adding them will not be too high on our priorities list.
Despite that minor setback, however, said artist was able to complete models of Edgar, the ogress, Rosella in her royal gown, and a new better-looking mountain path leading to Lolotte’s castle. In addition, our other artists have done a great deal of work as well; including animations for one of the bad endings, backgrounds for the introduction and ending, and new icons with animations. We also have some new models for characters and inventory items that were previously missing from the game, and a new title screen.
Of course, we still have yet to implement some of those things, and there are still a few bugs to be worked out, but work will resume on the game next year. Yes, by that, I mean that we are taking a break until January of 2022. But not long after the new year comes along, we’ll be working on getting new things implemented into the game, which we’re hoping will include the introduction. Though, as I pointed out already, we will need someone to finish a few models for us before that objective can be completed.
With all that said, on behalf of all of us, I’d like to thank all of you for bearing with us for as long as you have. See you next year.