Since the Perils of Rosella remake demo was released a lot of work has been done, so I think it's time to have a thread where we talk about the progress of the game. Obviously this means there will be spoilers ahead so play the original game before reading on. 
Apart from scripting the general game behaviour the team has been working on the recreation of KQ4's gameworld.
At this point all the daytime backgrounds are in place except the witches' cave and the ogre's cave. All the exterior screens are connected and walkable, some with animations like flowing water.
14 out of 48 unique characters are animated and out of the 22 characters you can (try to) talk to, 7 talking portraits have been implemented.
Besides that a lot of animations are finished and ready to be added to the game: the hen, the frog, the minstrel, pan, cupid and many others.
At this moment we are working on conversations and dialogs so those are next up.
Things are progressing really well 
(03-09-2013, 02:17 PM)HandsFree Wrote: [ -> ]
Since the Perils of Rosella remake demo was released a lot of work has been done, so I think it's time to have a thread where we talk about the progress of the game. Obviously this means there will be spoilers ahead so play the original game before reading on. 
Apart from scripting the general game behaviour the team has been working on the recreation of KQ4's gameworld.
At this point all the daytime backgrounds are in place except the witches' cave and the ogre's cave. All the exterior screens are connected and walkable, some with animations like flowing water.
14 out of 48 unique characters are animated and out of the 22 characters you can (try to) talk to, 7 talking portraits have been implemented.
Besides that a lot of animations are finished and ready to be added to the game: the hen, the frog, the minstrel, pan, cupid and many others.
At this moment we are working on conversations and dialogs so those are next up.
Yep, we're well on our way! :-))
Ce sujet est une bonne idée, je suis régulièrement les avancés du jeu...
Je suis très content que le projet ne soit pas abandonné, j'avais beaucoup aimé la démo !
Okay so... Nous sommes en mai 2014, où en est le développement à l'heure
actuelle ? Pouvez vous donner un pourcentage d'avancement ?
Merci d'avance.
This topic is a good idea, I am regularly advanced in the game...
I am very pleased that the project is not abandoned, I really liked the demo !
Okay... so we are in May 2014, which is developing at the moment? Can you give a percentage of completion ?
Thank you in advance.
I apologize for the lack of updates. I won't make up any excuses, but work on this project is still continuing, though not as quickly as we'd like it to be. Our main problem is that, while we do have lots of sprite animations done, we're still missing a great deal of them. We do, however, have all the backgrounds finished as well as the environmental sounds, but we're still missing the music and specific sounds not included in the demo.
So, based on all that, it looks like we're at about 30-40%. I know that seems kind of pathetic, and I apologize for that, but- as much as I hate repeating myself- we need an artist. Now.
I'm getting an error when I try to downoad the demo. Can anyone assist?
dgimness -- try downloading again. I honestly don't know if the admins fixed something or what the problem may have been, but I just tested the download (the browser I tested downloading with is Torch - I don't know if that matters or not either, but the zip file downloaded perfectly
It looks like we are back on track now. 
This week we have finished up the scenes with the minstrel, cupid and Pan.
I'm positive updates will now appear regularly here!
(03-03-2015, 01:39 PM)HandsFree Wrote: [ -> ]
It looks like we are back on track now. 
This week we have finished up the scenes with the minstrel, cupid and Pan.
I'm positive updates will now appear regularly here!
That is great news! 
Glad to see you guys back in action. Progress is going smoothly I see.
Looking forward to more updates.
Cool. Glad to hear more progess is coming along.
wish i knew how much was left though. but i don't care if it's months or years. It'll be worth it. after all had to wait over 10 years for the silver lining and they're still working on episode 5.