Perils of Rosella 3D Remake Forums

Full Version: Team recruitment thread
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As stated in my thread in the latest news section, we are in dire need of new team members if we're going to finish the game.  Specifically, an artist, a writer, and a project leader.

So, anyone who would like to fulfill one of those roles please post here.  If applying for the artist position, we'd ask that you attach a sample of your work in your post.  Or email it to me: [email protected]

Update: the writer and project leader positions have now been filled, but we are still in need of an artist.
I'm pretty decent at writing. What kind of writing is needed? Like script?

The script is mostly going to be the same as the original game, for now.  If we do manage to find a new artist, then maybe some new dialogue and help streamlining certain bits would be nice (like the whale's tongue and dealing with the troll).

Mainly what we need right now, as far as writing is concerned, is the game's textual output.  As in, things for the narration to say when clicking on various objects.  More creative ways to say, "You can't touch that." when clicking the hand on objects that you shouldn't be able to interact with.  Or better descriptions for the narration to say when clicking the eye on various objects.  Etc.  We're also thinking we'd like to have Rosella comment on certain things too, when interacting with certain objects.

So, are you in then? 

I'd love to help. I'll message you with my email address. Smile

Excellent!  I'll notify the other team members and we'll get you set up.  Welcome aboard. Smile

Listen up, everyone.  We're going to need all the help we can get, if we're going to acquire all the necessary art that we need to finish this game.  Therefore, I'm going to post a list of all the things that we currently have and still need, for any volunteers willing to assist us.

Obviously, this is going to be full of spoilers for those of you who haven't played the original game, so I'll post a link to a playthrough of the original game:

In addition to that, here is a link to our demo in action, for those of you who have had trouble downloading it:

Update: Oops... I forgot to include this video- a 2-parter- of all the ways that Rosella can die in the original game:

If you need any more information, such as the concept art that we have of various characters, please send me a private message.

Now then, the list...

what we have:
ogre walking
ogre sleeping
ogre portrait
ogress walking'
ogress doing something that I don't recognize
ogress with deer
ogress portrait
cupid with bow
cupid without bow
cupid swimming
minstrel portrait
minstrel walking
minstrel with lute
minstrel with book
fisherman portrait
fisherman's wife portrait
rosella walking
rosella walking in water
rosella swimming
rosella throwing fish
rosella taking something
rosella blowing whistle
rosella on dolphin
rosella giving something
rosella throwing ball
rosella picking something up
rosella picking up frog
rosella holding frog
rosella kissing frog
rosella picking up ball (?)
rosella turning into frog
rosella playing flute
rosella playing lute
rosella throwing bone
rosella attacked by dog
rosella drowning
rosella shooting bow left/right
rosella portraits
rosella climbing palmtree
goon walking
hen walking
hen eating/picking
pelican sitting
pelican flying
pelican flying with fish
pelican closeup
dolphin jumping
dolphin waiting
dolphin swimming
shark swimming
shark catching rosella
misc fish'
bottle in ocean
genesta's island from far
dog walking
dog attacking rosella
unicorn walking
unicorn turning
unicorn idle
unicorn with bridle
frog sitting
frog jumping
frog turning into prince
prince walking
fairy 1
fairy 2
magic mirror intro
genesta in mirror
valanice walking
valanice shocked
alexander walking
graham walking
rosella in white gown
water animations
edgar walking
edgar climbing stairs with rose
edgar standing
edgar leaving
lolotte on throne
door opening dwarfhouse
smoke from dwarfhouse
waterwheel dwarfhouse
door genesta opening
curtains genesta
leopard genesta
peacock feather
doors opening in lolotte's castle
candles burning in Daventry
doors opening in Daventry
fireplace in Daventry
wait cursor (crown)

what we still need:
ogre catching rosella
ogre dragging rosella
ogress catching rosella
ogress holding rosella
ogress stirring
pan walking
pan playing flute
pan playing lute
pan dancing with flute
pan dancing with lute
fisherman walking with pole
fisherman walking without pole
fisherman drinking
fisherman's wife walking with pole
fisherman's wife walking without pole
fisherman's wife at table
genesta flying
dwarf1 walking
dwarf2 walking
dwarf3 walking
dwarf4 walking
dwarf5 walking
dwarf6 walking
dwarf7 walking
dwarf6 mad
dwarf1 walking with soup
dwarf2 walking with soup
dwarf3 walking with soup
dwarf4 walking with soup
dwarf5 walking with soup
dwarf6 walking with soup
dwarf7 walking with soup
dwarf1 eating
dwarf2 eating
dwarf3 eating
dwarf4 eating
dwarf5 eating
dwarf6 eating
dwarf7 eating
dwarf1 in mine
dwarf2 in mine
dwarf3 in mine
dwarf4 in mine
dwarf5 in mine
dwarf6 in mine
dwarf7 in mine
rosella crawling
rosella in vortex (by whale)
rosella shooting bow front/back
rosella swinging axe
rosella slipping
rosella falling
rosella landing
rosella landing in water
rosella start to crawl
rosella walking with goons
rosella flying with goons
rosella sweeping
rosella cleaning
rosella eating soup
rosella with broom
dust (?)
rosella becomes zombie
zombie-rosella rising
zombie-rosella walking
rosella playing organ
rosella climbing attick ladder
rosella bitten by snake
rosella ready to jump
rosella jumping
rosella landing after jump
rosella sinking in swamp
rosella using feather
rosella climbing tongue
rosella falling from tongue
rosella fishing
rosella walking in cave (maybe not needed?)
rosella with lantern
lantern light
rosella kneeling in cave
rosella crawling in cave
goon flying
goon landing
goon catching rosella
zombie1 walking
zombie2 walking
zombie3 walking
zombie4 walking
zombie5 walking
robin with worm
misc birds
whale rising
whale swimming
whale going under
rosella in black with goon (bad wedding)
rosella in black alone
edward wedding
edward and rosella kissing
rosella falling during wedding (?)
goon misister at wedding
lollote at wedding
raven flying
raven sitting
fairy 3
fairy 4
fairy 5
fairy 6
miser walking
lord walking
boy walking
boy with chest (various animations)
rosella caught by tree
mummy walking with glowing eyes
mummy walking with black eyes
fire in dwarfhouse
closet door opening in dwarfhouse
snake in swamp

I stumbled onto your project today when I was searching google for King's Quest 4. It's been a very long time since I last played the original and also a very long time since I last worked on anything in the "art" field. I used to sketch quite a lot and in my late teens and early 20s I spent a lot of time tinkering with 3d models and environments (using programs like Bryce 3d, Maya and Poser).

I'm a little unclear on what sort of 'artist' you are looking for. I am not a professional by any means, and am quite rusty. I would be willing to volunteer some of my time to help out your project if you still need help. Could you please tell me what programs I would need to use, and whether you are looking for stills or rendered animations or just models etc?

Hey Hey! Mr.Lead Programmer I was recruited from BlenderArtist'

You can Just msg me on the Forums seeing how i'll be visiting this place time to time.

Msg me what you need and stuff and i'll give out my best effeort.

Oh Btw this Xeke. But just call me Zeth.

And if you want you can add me on Skype.

Skype Username: Xethswey.
I really want to help. I just found this project today and it tears my heart out to learn of the tragic setbacks this has suffered. The King's Quest series is near and dear to my heart. The first game I ever played was To Heir is Human (tho I didn't actually survive past escaping until much later in life, after I fell in love with Monkey Island). I grew up on all the Sierra games and helped beta test Quest for Glory 5 which was very exciting. I recently got my nephew into point and click adventure games and was showing him the AGD Interactive remakes on my Android phone. I'm kind of a jack of all trades, done some (mostly architectural) 3d, web development, coding in various languages, am a Linux and Windows Server guru, versed in networking design and virtualization, and professionally oversee major and complex IT projects involving equipment, software, scripting, database design, process development and training. I majored in Philosophy and have written several poetry books, plays, and a novel (nothing published so don't be too impressed lol), I ran my own poetry club and hosted several events. I am very passionate about games with a female protagonist and although I didn't play and finish Perils until after I beat 5 I very much want to be a part of this project in any way I can. I will do my best to recruit others to help. One of my closest friends was a level designer on Halo 5 (he now works for Bungie on Destiny). I'm pretty good at Project Management and driving them to completion with total willingness to roll up my sleeves and help accomplish any task however small. I'll email you so you have my address. I don't want this project to remain stagnant! I'm so sorry it took me so long to find out about it and hope I'm not too late to help.

(14-08-2015, 06:18 PM)pelo88 Wrote: [ -> ]I really want to help. I just found this project today and it tears my heart out to learn of the tragic setbacks this has suffered. The King's Quest series is near and dear to my heart. The first game I ever played was To Heir is Human (tho I didn't actually survive past escaping until much later in life, after I fell in love with Monkey Island). I grew up on all the Sierra games and helped beta test Quest for Glory 5 which was very exciting. I recently got my nephew into point and click adventure games and was showing him the AGD Interactive remakes on my Android phone. I'm kind of a jack of all trades, done some (mostly architectural) 3d, web development, coding in various languages, am a Linux and Windows Server guru, versed in networking design and virtualization, and professionally oversee major and complex IT projects involving equipment, software, scripting, database design, process development and training. I majored in Philosophy and have written several poetry books, plays, and a novel (nothing published so don't be too impressed lol), I ran my own poetry club and hosted several events. I am very passionate about games with a female protagonist and although I didn't play and finish Perils until after I beat 5 I very much want to be a part of this project in any way I can. I will do my best to recruit others to help. One of my closest friends was a level designer on Halo 5 (he now works for Bungie on Destiny). I'm pretty good at Project Management and driving them to completion with total willingness to roll up my sleeves and help accomplish any task however small. I'll email you so you have my address. I don't want this project to remain stagnant! I'm so sorry it took me so long to find out about it and hope I'm not too late to help.

I wanna to be a tester [email protected]