
Registration Date: 18-12-2012
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 04-12-2024 at 06:52 PM
Status: Offline

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RE: My ideas. 1
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My ideas. Joining the project
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Hi Jack,

Great Ideas - I talked with our team about them.

Here are the notes of that virtual meeting:
"he's got great ideas!,

as for now me and A' talked about the shark, making it slower so you could outswim it,

making the stairs less treacherous, and the fatal jumps higher,

having Rosella walk up to things automatically (instead of the "you're not near enough"),

having the bird,pelican, come back if it flies away (same with dolphin),

other than that we haven't really discussed much of the points, but I will take a notice of all of them!"


(31-12-2012, 12:48 PM)Jack Stryker Wrote:  *nods* Understood.

Thank you and yes, you may.