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new here, love demo 2
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new here, love demo KQ4 3D Remake
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Hi, I am new to Unicorn Tales. I really, really love the demo, it is so much fun! I have not played a computer or video game in a long time, the exception being a recently downloaded version of the original KQ4, perils of Rosella. It was fun, I like the point and click, then I found a game with the old type in words. I like the ones with icon browser menus. princess Rosella is my favorite member of the royal family of Daventry.. i first started playing the series when I was 15 I played king's Quest V, Absence Makes The Heart Go Yonder. I read the synopsis of the other games, I like games with good story plots to them. I also played KQ7, The Princeless Bride. King's Quest VII was lot of fun because of the colorful, pretty graphics that were Disney-like. I also like KQVI, which has a beautiful romantic story to it, It was really fun to play, very lively. 

Ahem, about the demo, the graphics are attractive, I like the play making it more complicated, harder to do things. Made me think. In the past I wrote fan fiction stories about king's quest and drew some fan art. I need to color my recent drawings. 

So, good demo, I really hope You all can make a great game out of this, keep moving forward!