Every fan has to do his part!

This is a direct quote from one of our more dedicated fans.


This fan named Isaac45 is one of many of King’s Quest fans, and when he heard our call for help (needing an artist) he came full speed ahead, gave some ideas where we can find someone, and then continued ahead and contacted someone he thought could help us!


When I thanked him he replied:

Every fan has to do his part! 


thank you photo

And you know what – he is right, our whole group dedicate their precious hours, hard work and even some money to this goal, and we as a group don’t earn a dime.



But you know what – it is worth it, because we get something much bigger than money or recognition, we get to remake this wonderful game which should find it’s suitable place, and we will get to make many fans – Exactly like us! happy.


So you are part of the team as we are, feel free to participate in the forums, throw encouragements, and help if needed wherever you can, because like us – you also are included in Isaac’s applaudible sentence:

Every fan has to do his part! 

Perils of Rosella Remake